
My life in my eyes... Oh dear...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sigh. This guy is so sweet. I wish the one I liked was as sweet...

He told me I could find a better, sexier guy and I told him I doubted it.

His reply: I'm sure you would, dear. Being as beautiful and funny as you are, they would come to you.

My response: Who said I even wanted them to?

Him: I'm sure if some sexah guy came up to you with roses and a candle lit dinner, you would be all over it

Me: Well, I don't see that happening so it doesn't matter.

Him: I could see it happening.

It made me smile because it was just simply sweet. :)

Some of his other texts to me:

I told him my eye hurt and he said "I don't know how to fix it... =("

"By the way, you made my night =)"

He called my home state evil and I said it can't be that bad if he wanted to come visit it. Him: "Lol I want to come to see you, the state is still evil..."

I told him I was feeling down and lonely. Him: "I'm here though =)"

Monday, April 07, 2008

You're kind of back in my life... But not really.

I'm so confused when it comes to you. I can be happy with the way things are, I guess. It's better to kind of have you then to not have you at all. At least now, there's moments of happiness that comes with the confusion and pain.

God, I should not feel this strongly about you... Especially when I no longer know whether or not you care for me the way you once did. Especially when I don't know what happened between us.

This feels like a tease. I don't know what to make of it.
I don't believe that you could be so cruel that you'd intentionally toy with my emotions. I don't want to think that you could just be trying to draw me back because I was finally showing you signs of slipping away. It wouldn't be the first time that thought has crossed my mind, though.

You can't possibly know how I feel because you haven't asked and I can't find the courage to offer you the answer otherwise. But basically, I hurt a lot over all this. More than I should, I'm sure. If I could change this, I think I would. Unless you give me some sign that wanting this is all worth it.

I really don't want to ask you for much... I'm sorry if this seems like it is much. I just wish we could be more open with each other. I think it would make all the difference.

I still adore you so much. I still want you. I still miss you.

Friday, April 04, 2008

God, I miss you so much right now... More than usual, and it hurts so bad....

I know I'm torturing myself and making it worse by reading your old emails to me and our old conversations, but I just want to remember that you cared about me and wanted me. I don't know what you want anymore... but at least I did once...

I've spilled more tears over you than I have over any other boy... It just doesn't make sense to me and I don't know what to do about it...

I don't want to hurt anymore... but I don't want to give up.

I know I won't ever really give up on you.
I'm not strong enough to do that...