I can't keep doing this.
I just can't. And I shouldn't have to.
I'm tired of the tears and the loneliness.
I shouldn't feel this way if I really have you.
You have absolutely no consideration for me.
You say that you do, but it always seems like 'out of sight, out of mind' with you.
Even after we talked, how could nothing change?
I feel like I keep breaking, and the glue that puts me bad together just gets less and less effective. What happens when I break beyond repair? Or the glue just stops being effective altogether?
I shouldn't have been so stupid.
I knew from the beginning that this would be short lived.
And yet, somehow, I feel horrible for giving up like this.
Fuck. I'm so fucked up. I try so hard to please everyone else that even I don't have any consideration for me. How the hell can I expect anyone else to?
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