So the other night, I had a couple of dreams and for some reason, I actually remembered them.
Dream #1: I don't know what I was doing but I looked down and noticed that the bracelet my best friend gave me was gone. I freaked out and looked everywhere for it. (I actually woke up and checked to make sure the bracelet wasn't missing).
Dream #2: So, for some odd reason, I went to go visit M in Michigan and D also lived in the same city as M. The whole time I was in Michigan, planning to meet up with M, I was debating on whether or not I should visit D. I woke up without ever actually making a decision. (This dream really bothered me because M basically broke my heart, which I say at the risk of sounding way overdramatic, and D is the guy who's here for me now and I thought I was getting over M and falling for D. So this dream is very confusing and though it's just a dream, I can't help but wonder...)
And that's my random post for the day.
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