He IM'd me today...
A few days ago, I left him a comment on his facebook to ask about his broken finger...
Well, this morning, he finally commented back telling me about his finger and then asking me how I've been. He said he hadn't seen me online in a while, which was kind of true.
Then tonight, he actually IM'd me. I was surprised but things felt... different. We caught up a bit and then he just kind of disappeared on me. It felt nice and friendly and it wasn't too painful at all.
I hope this is how it feels when one is finally getting over someone and learning to let go. I like this. It feels better this way...
But at the same time, if this is me finally getting over him and letting go... it kind of makes me sad to see it end. I liked the way he made me feel and the way I felt about him. It's kind of sad that it's the end.
Sigh. That's just my rambling thoughts for tonight... I should sleep.
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