two weeks tomorrow, and it's all over. 90% of these people will never see me again.
I'm ready to go... I think... I hope...
There is a long list of things that I will miss most...
Sitting at the lunch table with my friends...
the band room as my second home...
Mr. Falls and his hearing problems...
Mr. Beckman and his wisdom...
Mr. Combes and all the time we've spent with him...
Mr. P and his strangeness...
the darkroom that I've recently learned to use...
the early mornings with jess and josie...
band practices every wednesday...
football season...
basketall season...
playing my bari sax...
weird bando moments...
Jessica and her extreme strangeness...
Josephine and her everything...
Jason and his strange, adorable dorkiness and farting...
Curtis sitting there driving me crazy but making me laugh...
Kevin helping curtis drive me crazy and making me laugh...
the twin thing I have with Nicole...
4th periods in the band library...
concert season...
surprise visits or even planned visits by alumni...
the crazy underclassmen...
my favorite underclassmen...
especially kentin and timothy...
band music...
band in general, really...
and most of all,
the people I've met and connected with on some level...
it's almost sad to see it all slowly become my past...
two weeks tomorrow...
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