It's been ages since I've put up a picture, but I found a new website, picturesofwalls.com, and it fascinated me. I really loved this picture. I think it's pretty self-explanitory.
Anyways, my birthday just passed and it was actually pretty nice, but my first week of being 19 was absolutely awful, complete with a car accident and no car. Right now, I'm super stressed about school and I really can't focus for some reason. Go figure, right? It's twisted, but I can't get myself to work. It's so hard to actually care anymore.
There's a lot of family drama going on, and I hate it. I really don't want to dwell on it when I can avoid it.
In happier news, I've kind of met a guy. He's great. 22, very nice, very cute, adorable accent, entertaining personality, very sweet, and I love talking to him. Seriously, he's adorable in all aspects of the word.
The problem? He's not even on the same continent as me, I've never actually met him, he likes to drink (I think it just comes with the fact that he's scottish) and he's a lot more experienced than me.
Ugh, why does he have to be so sweet? and so adorable? We've only been talking for a little over a week, and already, I feel hooked. I haven't been quite like this over a guy in a long time. A couple of times, he'd tell me how he wanted a hug and I just wish I could give it to him...
Then again, I don't know him! And he's so far away! Damnit, what is it with me? I always find the least attainable guys to fall for, and I only come out of it bummed out and stuff.
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