so this is my first post.
I like to state the obvious, in case you haven't noticed.
so about me. well, I'm a girl. I have been for all 17 years, 3 months and 9 days of my life.
I really want to travel. that's my only aspiration in life, to see the world. I'm seventeen and i have no idea what I'm going to do with my life, but I know I will travel a lot. That is definitely my future.
I like to write. I always have. About anything and everything.
I also like to read. Getting wrapped up in the world of fiction is wonderful to me.
escaping reality. I like this hobby, but I guess it isn't a healthy one.
so 2006 is going to be the end of high shool for me and a start of something brand new.
i just want to keep track of my life.
I can't wait.
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